Student Organizations
General Information
Time as a student is the period when a young person’s life develops various colours. New horizons open up and opportunities arise that only students have the chance to experience.
Being active in an NGO is perhaps the best and easiest way to gain experience in the areas you are interested in and of course training or developing the existing skills.
Student Non-Governmental Organizations are institutions and social structures made of students with the same set of interests and motivations. In Romania, there are a multitude of such associations especially dedicated to students who can help you spend your spare time in a productive way. Choosing one of these relies solely on aspirations, preferences, priorities, and how you want to live and work.
Another reason to work in a student NGO is to gain the experience required for any job. Experience (in the field studied and not only) is perhaps the most important part of these years of transition between the learning and the work stage. With the help of organizations, you can learn the mechanisms underlying your area of interests, and the advantage is that this happens earlier than it would normally do.
As you well know, volunteer work is pro bono, so that the value of work done is based on your own initiative and the simple desire to engage in activities.
When the motivations are the same, a connection is born between people, and the events and actions you will share together can be unrepeatable experiences. In the end, volunteering is a personal experience and is one of the first steps a student can go through to be prepared to go out into the big world.
The purpose of the Center for Culture, Volunteering, Sports and Recreational Activities is, first of all, to carry out activities with and for the benefit of students.
One of the objectives we pursue is to offer students from the POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest the opportunity to get involved in activities that, complementary to the range of academic benefits they have access to, contribute to their development and training as active people and involved in society.
This objective is both a desideratum and a necessity, but we rely on the fact that, by proposing activities in various categories of interest (culture, volunteering, sports, learning & development, recreational activities), we will create the necessary framework to attract as many as possible. by participants in each of the proposed events or activities.
Last but not least, we aim for the objectively determined needs of students to meet, through the Center for Culture, Volunteering, Sports and Recreational Activities, with the interests of society, constantly aiming to achieve personal, professional and social performance.
Student organizations