International Student Transfer Policy

General Information

Candidates who graduated high-school or a Bachelor/Master study programme in a European Union country, other than Romania, must have their diplomas recognized and validated by the Romanian National Centre for the Recognition and Validation of Diplomas (CNRED), part of the Romanian Ministry of Education. According to the national Law 316/ 12.07.2006, citizens from member states of the European Union, European Economic Area and Swiss Confederation, have the right to apply to studies in Romania, in the same financial circumstances as Romanian citizens.

The procedure for the validation and equivalence of diplomas at the Ministry is done by the candidate. After receiving the Certificate for the Recognition of studies, the candidates will be able to apply.

In case the student has a Romanian Baccalaureate diploma and studied Bachelor only partially at another university, there is no need for a formal recognition of studies from the Ministry of Education.

Candidates from Non-EU countries, submit the files directly at POLITEHNICA Bucharest, because according to the Romanian regulation, it is the university that must apply for acceptance to studies at the Directorate-General for International Relations and European Affairs (DGRIAE) of the Ministry of Education.

A file meets the minimum eligibility conditions if the applicant has completed at least 1 semester of a year of study at another accredited higher education institution and has not been expelled for their fault.

The equivalence of studies is done by the Admission Commission of each Faculty, with the approval of the CRID committee.

Neccesary steps


Registration period: April, 2025 – August, 2025

Admission process

The file is sent by email at least 60 days (90 days for the non-EU citizens) before the first day of the current academic year.

For the analysis of the files, you need to pay a file processing fee (150 RON):

Banca Comerciala Romana
IBA: RO11RNCB0723000506250052

Admission documents

European Union citizens

  • Application form; In the application, the applicant must specify the faculty, specialization, subjects for which recognition is requested, the academic year for enrollment, and the email address for communication throughout the procedure. The applicant assumes the accuracy of the declared email.;
  • Personal identification documents: passport/identity document; birth certificate; proof of name change (if applicable); marriage certificate if the name on study documents does not match the one on the identity document; a copy, in the case where the study document is issued in Romanian, English, French, Spanish, or Italian; a copy and authorized translation into Romanian for documents issued in other languages.
  • Baccalaureate diploma/High school diploma: a copy, in the case where the study document is issued in Romanian, English, French, Spanish, or Italian; a copy and authorized translation into Romanian for documents issued in other languages;
  • A legalized copy of the high school diploma and the certificate issued by the specialized department of the Ministry of Education – CNRED- for the recognition of the diploma granting access to higher education obtained abroad;
  • School records for the last two years of high school, indicating the studied subjects and obtained grades: a copy, in the case where the study document is issued in Romanian, English, French, Spanish, or Italian; a copy and authorized translation into Romanian for documents issued in other languages;
  • Higher education documents (bachelor's and/or master's diploma, as applicable), obtained officially from the student's original university: a copy, in the case where the study document is issued in Romanian, English, French, Spanish, or Italian; a copy and authorized translation into Romanian for documents issued in other languages.
  • Diploma supplement/Transcript of records or any other study document indicating the academic situation for completed study years, containing subjects, grades, credit points/grade points, and the number of course hours for each subject, issued by the higher education institution from which the applicant originates: a copy, in the case where the study document is issued in Romanian, English, French, Spanish, or Italian; a copy and authorized translation into Romanian for documents issued in other languages;
  • Language proficiency certificate for the language of instruction and examination, B2 level;
  • A solemn declaration that the studies previously undertaken were not interrupted due to expulsion for violating the ethical and deontological code of the originating university;
  • Receipt of the file processing fee as established by the university Senate;
  • Declaration regarding personal data processing upon matriculation;

Non-EU citizens

  • Application form; In the application, the applicant must specify the faculty, specialization, subjects for which recognition is requested, the academic year for enrollment, and the email address for communication throughout the procedure. The applicant assumes the accuracy of the declared email and postal addresses.
  • Copy of the passport/identity document;
  • A legalized copy of the birth certificate and the identity document or passport, and, if applicable, the legalized translation into Romanian;
  • A legalized copy of the marriage certificate, if the name on the study documents does not match the one on the identity document, and, if applicable, the legalized translation;
  • A legalized copy of the high school diploma and the certificate issued by the specialized department of the Ministry of Education for the recognition of the diploma granting access to higher education obtained abroad;
  • A legalized copy of the bachelor's or master's degree (as applicable) and the certificate issued by the specialized department of the Ministry of Education for the recognition of the diploma granting access to master's or doctoral studies obtained abroad;
  • The document, apostilled or super-legalized, as applicable, attesting to the academic situation for the completed study years, containing subjects, grades, credit points/grade points, and the number of course hours for each subject, issued by the higher education institution from which the applicant originates, and the legalized translation into Romanian;
  • Analytical programs for the disciplines studied at the higher education institution from which the applicant originates, as applicable, and the legalized translation into Romanian;
  • Certificate of language proficiency for the language of instruction and examination, B2 level;
  • A solemn declaration that the studies previously undertaken were not interrupted due to expulsion for violating the ethical and deontological code of the originating university;
  • Receipt of the file processing fee as established by the university Senate;
  • Declaration regarding personal data processing upon matriculation.;
After admission

When coming for enrollment, you will submit the original documents to the faculty.

According to the Accommodation Regulation of POLITEHNICA Bucharest, all students can be provided accommodation within the Campus, paying a fee decided by the university’s Senate.
