Outgoing - External Travel for Students

General Information

University travel refers to the travel operations done by all University members (including staff members and students), that have been approved as being for University purposes and are funded by the University or a third party.

All staff and student travels and expenses must comply with the national legislation and the University’s internal policies and procedures, including the finance, health, safety, and sustainability procedures.

The administrative process regarding foreign travels of the university’s staff and students, takes place entirely on the platform https://travel.upb.ro/.

All the necessary information is included in the documents on the platform https://travel.upb.ro/.

  • Regulations on foreign and national travel of university’s staff and students;
  • Platform Guide.

For the foreign travel of the academic and administrative staff and students, the next steps are required:

Rector's Order (Dispoziția Rectorului)

For issuing Rector's Order must:

  • Access the platform: https://travel.upb.ro/.
  • Log in with your university account;
  • Choose the appropriate section;
  • Fill in the travel documents information;
  • Upload the proof of participation (e.g. invitation, e-mail);
  • Submit the request for approval.
Purchasing flight tickets

For purchasing the flight tickets, the beneficiaries must go to Procurement Department (Direcția Achiziții) with the following documents:

Collecting the down payment for expenses

For collecting the down payment for expenses, the beneficiaries will contact the faculties’ adminitrators and the POLITEHNICA Bucharest Finacial Department.

Completing the statement of expenses

For completing the statement of expenses, the beneficiaries will contact POLITEHNICA Bucharest Financial Department (Room 011, groud floor, Rectorate Building), within maximum 3 days after the trip, with the following documents:

  • Rector's Order (Dispozitia Rectorului) and Substantiation Note (Nota de fundamentare) from the platform;
  • Travel report;
  • Other documents (invoices, receipts, boarding passes etc.);
  • Future expenses planning.

For more information about POLITEHNICA Bucharest Travel Procedures, please consult the documents on the platform - https://travel.upb.ro/.

If you are interested in applying to this mobility, please access POLI Mobility Platform.
Cristina FĂINĂ
Cristina FĂINĂ
Responsabile for Foreign Travels