ERASMUS Exchange Students

The Erasmus+ student status entails exemption from paying tuition fees at the host university. During the Erasmus+ mobility period, students benefit from the facilities provided at the beginning of the mobility (such as dormitory reservation, scholarships, etc.). Study mobilities are based on inter-institutional agreements concluded between the National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest and partner institutions in France, Spain, Greece, Portugal, Germany, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Turkey, Italy, Macedonia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Serbia, etc. You can benefit from up to 12 months of Erasmus+ mobility for each academic cycle (bachelor's, master's, doctorate).

Application Criteria
Be selected by your faculty at POLITEHNICA Bucharest

Firstly, the student/master/doctoral student must be selected by their faculty for the desired type of mobility (study or placement).

Be nominated at the partner institution

For study mobility, the nomination is sent by the ERASMUS+ Office. After the student's selection is confirmed, they must enroll and apply to the Partner University (host) where they will carry out their mobility. The application is usually online; it is completed with the student's personal data and followed step by step.

For placement mobility, the nomination is sent by the ERASMUS+ coordinator from the student's faculty.

1. The student must choose the destination of the study mobility from the inter-institutional agreements related to the faculty they belong to!

2. The partner university has a deadline for nominating students, and the deadline is not the same for all universities. CHECK this deadline for the partner university (future host) you have considered applying to, before selection!

Types of mobilities
Study mobility

The activity of this type of mobility involves:

  • Participation in courses and taking the related exams, with the duration of the internship being one semester or one academic year (4 - 10 months).
  • Working on the diploma project or dissertation, with the duration of the internship being between 2 and 5 months, varying from year to year.
Placement mobility

The activity of this type of mobility involves:

  • Placement mobility entails a period of practice/internship at a partner institution.
  • The duration of the placement (internship) is a minimum of 2 months and a maximum of 4 months, with the exception of doctoral candidates who can apply for the entire academic year.
Blended mobility

Is the action that allows POLITEHNICA Bucharest students to undertake mobility that includes a mandatory virtual (online) period and a mandatory physical period of a minimum of 5 days and a maximum of 30 days at a higher education institution in an EU partner country. For this type of mobility, only the period with physical presence is funded, and this type of mobility can be for study, placement, or mobility carried out within a blended intensive program (BIP), which must result in obtaining a minimum of 3 ECTS credits. (See the Regulation of Erasmus+ Mobility at POLITEHNICA Bucharest).

Application steps
Study mobility
  • The student must choose the mobility destination among the inter-institutional agreements related to the faculty they belong to.
  • The student must apply for mobility at the partner institution. The partner university has a deadline for nominating students, and the deadline is not the same for all universities.

CHECK the nomination deadline for the partner (host) university you have chosen to apply to before the selection interview!

After participating in the selection organized by the faculty and being declared admitted and accepted for study mobility, you must complete the travel request on!

The funding application will only be made through the TRAVEL.UPB.RO platform.



Completing the Travel Request and uploading the documents on the platform must be done up to 45 days before the mobility start date.

The necessary documents

For students in their second to fourth year who will complete a semester / academic year through exams


For final year students who will go for 3-5 months and study for their diploma project / dissertation

  • Up-to-date academic transcript for all previous years of study issued by the faculty;
  • Curriculum Vitae (Europass format) in an international language: EN/FR/DE);
  • Motivation letter addressed to the institutional ERASMUS+ coordinator - Prof. Dr. Eng. Gabriel JIGA (written in an international language: EN/FR/DE) and signed by the student;
  • Activity Plan to be followed at the host university;
  • Confirmation from the Dean acknowledging the subsequent recognition of the study period and results obtained (signed by the student, endorsed by the dean, and stamped by the dean's office);
  • Request for approval of the trip and financial support - signed by all persons mentioned in the request, except by the rector;
  • A document attesting proficiency in the language of the respective country where the mobility will take place or in an international language (English, French, German);
  • Acceptance letter (copy received by email) clearly stating the name of the student who obtained the mobility grant, the partner university through the ERASMUS+ program, and the period of study;
  • Learning Agreement - before the mobility, completed electronically (student's signature; ERASMUS+ Responsible person's signature from the faculty; partner institution's signature). You can study the completion guide

Sending copies of ID cards or passports:

  • of the student admitted during the faculty selection process.
  • of the parent/legal guardian (who must agree to sign the document in its original form)

Following the submission of ID copies, the ERASMUS+ Office will issue the financial contract for obtaining the ERASMUS+ grant.


Presentation at the ERASMUS+ Office with the following documents:

  • Copy of the transportation ticket (electronic format);
  • IBAN of the euro account at BCR (bank account statement);
  • IBAN of a lei account (for undergraduate and master's students)
Placement mobility
  • Choosing the host institution for the internship;
  • Selection by the faculty for ERASMUS+ student status;
    The necessary documents
    • Obtaining the invitation from the host institution;
    • Signing the cooperation agreement between POLITEHNICA Bucharest and the host institution.
    • Completing and signing the Learning Agreement for Traineeships (student's signature; ERASMUS Responsible person's signature from the faculty; partner institution's signature).
  • Completion and submission to the ERASMUS+ Office POLITEHNICA Bucharest, starting 45 days before the mobility start date, of the following documents:
  • The necessary documents
    • The request for travel approval and financial support , endorsed by the mobility coordinator professor and the dean of the faculty.
    • Up-to-date academic transcript for all previous years of study completed, issued by the faculty;
    • Curriculum Vitae (Europass format in an international language: EN/FR/DE);
    • Motivation letter addressed to the institutional coordinator of POLITEHNICA Bucharest - Prof. Dr. Eng. Gabriel JIGA (in an international language: EN/FR/DE) and signed by the student;
    • Confirmation from the dean including subsequent recognition of the internship period and obtained results (signed by the student, signed by the dean, and stamped by the faculty);
    • A document attesting proficiency in the language of the respective country where the mobility will take place or in an international language (English, French, German).
  • For completing the contract data, the student must submit:
  • A copy of their personal ID card or passport;
  • A copy of the ID card or passport of the parent/legal guardian (who must be available to sign the document in its original form).

ATTENTION! In the absence of the financial contract, you will not benefit from the grant, and incorrect completion may lead to delayed transfer of the ERASMUS+ grant.
  • Presentation at the Erasmus office with the following documents:
  • Copy of the transportation ticket (in electronic format);
  • IBAN of the euro account at BCR (bank account statement);
  • IBAN of a lei account (for undergraduate and master's students).

IMPORTANT! All these documents must be submitted in electronic format to the ERASMUS+ OFFICE of POLITEHNICA Bucharest at least 30 working days before the departure date mentioned on the transportation ticket.

Blended mobility
  • The student must choose the mobility destination among the inter-institutional agreements related to the faculty they belong to.
  • The student must apply for mobility at the partner institution. The partner university has a deadline for nominating students, and the deadline is not the same for all universities.
  • CHECK the nomination deadline for the partner (host) university you have chosen to apply to before the selection interview!

    After participating in the selection organized by the faculty and being declared admitted and accepted for study mobility, you must complete the travel request on !

    Download Travel UPB Guide
  • Choosing the host institution for the internship;
  • Completing the Travel Request and uploading the documents on the platform must be done up to 45 days before the mobility start date.
    The necessary documents
    For doctoral candidates who will spend one semester studying for their doctoral thesis or will participate in an intensive mixed program (BIP)
    • Certificate attesting to the status of doctoral candidate;
    • Curriculum Vitae (in Europass format in an international language: EN/FR/DE);
    • Motivation letter addressed to the ERASMUS+ institutional coordinator - Prof. Dr. Eng. Gabriel JIGA (drafted in an international language: EN/FR/DE) and signed by the doctoral candidate;
    • Activity plan signed by the doctoral supervisor;
    • Confirmation from the dean/director of the Doctoral School recognizing the subsequent period of research and the results obtained (signed by the doctoral candidate, endorsed by the dean + faculty stamp);
    • Request for approval of travel and financial support (signed by all mentioned individuals, except for the rector);
    • A document attesting to proficiency in the language of the respective country where the mobility will take place or in an international language (English, French, German);
    • Letter of acceptance (copy received via email) clearly stating the name of the participant who obtained the mobility grant, the partner university through the ERASMUS+ program, and the study period;
    • Learning Agreement – before the mobility, completed electronically (student signature; ERASMUS+ Faculty Responsible signature; partner institution signature)
    For students (Bachelor's, Master's) who have been selected to participate in an intensive mixed program (BIP).
    • Up-to-date academic transcript for all previous years of study issued by the faculty;
    • Curriculum Vitae (in Europass format in an international language: EN/FR/DE);
    • Motivation letter addressed to the ERASMUS+ institutional coordinator - Prof. Dr. Eng. Gabriel JIGA (drafted in an international language: EN/FR/DE) and signed by the student;
    • Activity plan to be followed at the host university;
    • Confirmation from the dean (delete highlighted text!) including subsequent recognition of the study period and results obtained (signed by the student, endorsed by the dean, and stamped by the dean's office);
    • Request for approval of travel and financial support (delete highlighted text!) - signed by all mentioned individuals in the request, except for the rector;
    • A document attesting to proficiency in the language of the respective country where the mobility will take place or in an international language (English, French, German);
    • Letter of acceptance (copy received via email) clearly stating the name of the student who obtained the mobility grant, the partner university through the ERASMUS+ program, and the study period;
    • Learning Agreement - short-term mobility, completed electronically (student signature; ERASMUS+ Faculty Responsible signature; partner institution signature). Completion guide available here

Sending copies of ID cards or passports:

  • of the student admitted during the faculty selection process.
  • of the parent/legal guardian (who must agree to sign the document in its original form)

Following the submission of ID copies, the ERASMUS+ Office will issue the financial contract for obtaining the ERASMUS+ grant.

  • Presentation at the ERASMUS+ Office with the following documents:
  • Copy of the transportation ticket (electronic format);
  • IBAN of the euro account at BCR (bank account statement).
  • IBAN of a lei account (for undergraduate and master's students)

Responsabilities upon returning from mobility

The submission of documents upon return from mobility must be completed within a maximum of 5 working days from the date of arrival in the country, at the ERASMUS+ Office of POLITEHNICA Bucharest!

  • The student will receive notification from the ERASMUS+ Office one month before the end of the mobility with all the necessary documents for return. In case students do not receive this notification, they are advised to contact ERASMUS+ personnel for the forms required for return.
Study mobility
  • Certificate of period (the period must be identical to that in the Financial Contract), a document signed and stamped by the ERASMUS office of the partner institution, which must be presented in original to the ERASMUS+ Office;
  • Transcript of records with the results obtained at the host university in case courses were followed;
  • Original Learning Agreement with signatures from the host university/institution, After Mobility section.
  • Accommodation receipts (dormitory/rent) or any other document proving the stay during the mobility in the destination city;
  • Activity report in Romanian language where the student reports on the mobility experience, signed and dated by the mobility coordinator professor or the Erasmus+ Responsible from the faculty. The full name of the mobility coordinator professor is also included.
  • Online Linguistic Support (OLS) test related to the end of mobility;
  • Mobility feedback form sent by the European Commission's online tool.
Placement mobility
  • Certificate of period (the period must be identical to that in the Financial Contract), the document must be signed and stamped by the host institution and presented in original to the ERASMUS+ Office;
  • Transcript of Work (two documents, one in Word and one in Excel format), including the grades obtained , in original.
  • Learning Traineeship After Mobility , After the mobility section, in original with signatures from the host institution;
  • Intermediate report completed and electronically sent (scanned) halfway through the mobility period;
  • Accommodation receipts (dormitory/rent) or any other document proving the stay during the mobility in the destination city;
  • Activity report in Romanian language where the student reports on the mobility experience, signed and dated by the practice coordinator professor or the Erasmus+ Responsible from the faculty. The full name of the practice coordinator professor is also included.
  • Declaration on own responsibility regarding the possible use of funds from other sources and the avoidance of double financing;
  • Feedback form sent by the ERASMUS+ Office;
  • Online Linguistic Support (OLS) test related to the end of mobility;
  • Mobility feedback form sent by the online tool of the European Commission.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the ERASMUS scholarship consist of?

The ERASMUS grant consists of financial support from the funds of the Erasmus+ program funded by the European Community, in accordance with the number of months corresponding to the ERASMUS+ mobility.

Students accepted for the ERASMUS+ program (study or placement mobility) are exempt from any tuition fees or other types of fees charged for facilities usually provided by the host university.

The student benefiting from the ERASMUS+ grant will continue to receive, during the ERASMUS mobility period (if eligible), the study/performance/social scholarship.

The student beneficiary of the ERASMUS+ grant will receive monthly financial support in lei from POLITEHNICA Bucharest in the form of a scholarship for internships abroad.


The ERASMUS+ grant does not cover all expenses related to mobility (transport, accommodation, meals, course materials, etc.).

Each applicant supplements the difference from their own funds, independent of the ERASMUS+ program, to cover the remaining estimated budget for mobility.

How many times can I benefit from Erasmus+ ?

You can have an accumulated number of 12 months (360 days) of different Erasmus+ types of mobilities for each separate study cycle (Bachelor, Master, PhD).

How to obtain the ERASMUS+ grant?

Registration for obtaining the ERASMUS+ grant (scholarship) for study and placement mobilities remains open throughout the academic year according to the ERASMUS+ Student Mobility Regulations.

The competition is primarily organized in the months of OCTOBER and MARCH.

In March of each academic year, the main selection session is organized for the following academic year. Therefore, in the second semester, students can apply for study mobilities for the first semester of the next academic year or for the entire year, and/or for practical placements for the next academic year.

In October, students can apply for study mobilities for the second semester and for practical placements during the current academic year (for both bachelor's and master's degrees).

The interview date and details regarding the submission of the selection dossier are determined by each faculty individually.

For participation in the selection contest, it is mandatory for the student to possess a language certificate for an internationally recognized language (EN/FR/DE/ES) that coincides with the language of instruction at the host university or with the requirements of the placement site.

What is the FILS Linguistic Certificate?

The linguistic certificate is a mandatory document included in the selection and funding dossier. You can participate for free in the testing process to obtain it if you do not already have one. The certificate issued by the Modern Languages Department of FILS can only be used within the ERASMUS+ program for university-level mobilities at POLITEHNICA Bucharest.

Students interested in obtaining a language certificate for an internationally recognized language (English, French, German, Spanish) can self-enroll on Moodle. You can self-enroll for these tests up to 24 hours before their administration, based on your UPB institutional account.

The test is aimed at students who do not possess any kind of internationally recognized language certificate and will be used solely to certify the linguistic knowledge required for the E+ application process within the POLITEHNICA Bucharest. For details, please contact the professor in charge of the ERASMUS+ program at your faculty!.

What are the advantages of being an Erasmus+ student?
  • Educational experience within an Erasmus+ partner institution.
  • Interaction with international students.
  • Accumulation of knowledge and skills in the educational and cultural fields that will be reflected in your CV.
  • New teaching methods.
  • Experience of a different way of life.
  • Frequent use of at least one foreign language during mobility.
  • Adaptation to an international environment.
  • Capacity to be independent and responsible.
What recommendations are provided for finding suitable accommodation?

An important aspect of mobility is FINDING ACCOMMODATION. Students are advised to contact the Erasmus+ Office of the host university in due time to request information regarding accommodation. <> Do not book accommodation at the host destination until you have certainty from the POLITEHNICA Bucharest ERASMUS+ Office that you will benefit from the ERASMUS grant.

Do not book accommodation at the host destination until you have certainty from the POLITEHNICA Bucharest ERASMUS+ Office that you will benefit from the ERASMUS grant.

How can you contact the ERASMUS+ office?
  • By email: Send an email to the contact addresses and ;
  • By phone: At the following phone number +40 214 029 284.
  • By visiting the ERASMUS+ office in person: At the address Splaiul Independentei no. 313, Office: R 401 (across from the elevators). If you are in the same location as the ERASMUS+ office, you can personally go to its headquarters and speak directly with the staff.
If you are interested in applying to this mobility, please access POLI Mobility Platform.