EEA Grants

General Information

The European Economic Area (EEA) and Norway Grants represent the contribution of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway to reducing economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area and to strengthening bilateral relations with the 15 beneficiary countries in Eastern and Southern Europe and the Baltic states.

These financial mechanisms are based on the European Economic Area Agreement which reunites the EU member states and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway as equal partners in the internal market.

The staff mobilities are possible through mobility projects implemented between any higher education institutions in the European Economic Area (Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, namely Donor States, DS) and in Beneficiary Countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia).

This action allows the following types of HEIs staff mobility:

  • teaching missions - duration between 2 days and 2 weeks (excluding travel time) for teaching staff from POLITEHNICA Bucharest in a Donor States (DS) university and reciprocally (minimum 8 teaching hours per week or per any shorter period of stay are compulsory). Also staff from a DS enterprise could teach in an Romanian HEI. The minimum 2 activity days must be consecutive.
  • training mobility - with the aim to participate in seminars, workshops, training courses, study visits, job shadowing, for teaching and non-teaching academic staff from the POLITEHNICA Bucharest in an institution from a DS. The duration is between 2 days and 2 weeks (excluding travel time).

The project mobility (excluding subsistence and travel for participants) includes preparation (pedagogical, intercultural), monitoring and support of participants during mobility (outgoing/incoming), validation/recognition of learning outcomes.

Staff with special needs can request a specific additional grant, after being selected for a mobility period. Financial support (including costs with a potential accompanying person) must be motivated in a official notification sent by the Project Promoter to the PO.

The grant will consist of: subsistence component + travel component.

Eligible costs

Individual support for staff
Individual support (subsistence) for 250 €/day (unit cost) 1250 €/week (unit cost)
Romanian staff undertaking a mobility to a DS 2200 €/2 weeks (unit cost)
Individual support (subsistence) for DS staff and proffesionals undertaking a mobility to Romania
150 €/day (unit cost) 750 €/week (unit cost)
1250 €/2 weeks (unit cost)
Subsistence for additional 2 travel days (one before and one after the activity period) could be allocated (if needed)

Transport (unit cost for staff mobility): according to the distance band calculated with the distance calculator available at: plus/resources/distance-calculator_en

Description Amount (unit cost)
Contribution to travel costs of participants, from their place of location to activity venue and return
Distances between 10-99 km: 20 EUR / participant
Distances between 100-499 km: 180EUR / participant
Distances between 500-1999 km: 275 EUR / participant
Distances between 2000-2999 km: 360 EUR/ participant
Distances between 3000-3999 km: 530 EUR / participant
Distances between 4000-7999 km: 820 EUR / participant
If you are interested in applying to this mobility, please access POLI Mobility Platform.

For more information please contact POLITEHNICA Bucharest European Funds Department: