The 2nd EELISA Student Scientific Competition

From June 10-11, 2024, National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest students had the opportunity to participate in the 2nd EELISA Student Scientific Competition, a prestigious event organized at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) that had the participation of over 140 students and more than 100 presentations. This competition brought together some of the brightest minds in the engineering and technology fields, fostering a vibrant exchange of innovative ideas and cutting-edge research.

Showcasing Excellence in Research

The event saw a diverse array of research presentations, with each student, or team of students, showcasing the results of their dedicated work. These projects were meticulously developed under the expert guidance of Politehnica University’s distinguished faculty members. The range of topics covered highlighted the university’s commitment to advancing knowledge and fostering a culture of scientific inquiry and innovation.

Celebrating Achievement and Hard Work 

The student's performance at the competition was nothing short of exemplary. Their awards are a testament to their hard work, creativity, and scientific rigor. Of these, we mention:

-> Daria Babiuc, Victor Luncașu - Optimization of Traffic Flow through the Implementation of Artificial Intelligence Systems (Special prize – Young talents);

-> Radu Cristian Opreanu - Applications of edge computing for modeling the energy transfer in modern distribution networks (Special prize – Next generation energy);

-> Alexa Diana Kalyanii - Postsynaptic Density Protein 95 (Special prize – Elderly care);

-> Victoria-Elena Plopeanu - Exploratory study of new hydrodynamic instabilities in multi-fluid channel flows (Special prize – Innovative modeling);

-> Alin-Ionuț Alecu, Ana-Maria Albu, Celina Maria Damian, Andra Mihaela Onaș, Cristina Stavarache, Roxana Trușcă - Catechols: A Never-Ending Story of Building Innovative Polymeric Materials (Special prize – Innovation).

The success of the students would not have been possible without the unwavering support and dedication of the university’s faculty members. Their mentorship and expertise were instrumental in guiding the students through their research endeavors. Congratulations and many thanks are extended to all the faculty members who played a pivotal role in guiding our students.

For more information, you can access the following link: EELISA Student Scientific Competition


14 June 2024