Launch of Euronews Romania
Euronews, Europe’s leading international news channel, has signed a partnership with University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB) to launch Euronews Romania, a new independent news channel aimed at a Romanian-speaking audience.
Euronews Romania is a branded affiliate of Euronews that will deliver local, regional, national and international news on TV and digital platforms.
Euronews Romania is the first branded affiliate to be launched in the European Unionand it will build on an existing TV output: UPB Sigma TV.
Euronews’ English language edition is already available in millions of households across Romania, but the new project aims to bring European news to Romanians in their own language.
The new channel will have its own team of journalists and correspondents across Romania, but also in Brussels, who will work according to the Euronews’ values of independence, impartiality and its ‘All Views’ editorial line. Ahead of its broadcast launch, over 100 members of staff will be recruited locally. The Romanian media’s editor-in-chief will be hired by Euronews and will be a Euronews employee.
An editorial board will be established and chaired by Euronews: it will, in particular, define strategic editorial orientations, the editorial line and the general balance of programmes, according to the media’s fundamental values (such as editorial independence, freedom of expression, impartiality…etc…).
UPB will rely on Euronews’ expertise, experience as well as its multicultural and pluralist approach to launch this new media. Euronews will share content with Euronews Romania, which will sit on the Romanian media’s platforms alongside theoriginal content produced by the local channel. Euronews Romania will in particular use Euronews’ European editorial content and in turn Euronews will benefit from the content made by the local branded affiliate on stories relating to Romania.
Michael Peters, Euronews CEO, said: “We are very proud of the agreement we have reached with UPB. We have found a trusted partner for an ambitious project. Romania has a very competitive media market with several existing news channels. But we believe that Euronews Romania will deliver a unique offer which is missing today in the national media landscape. Unapologetically impartial, rooted in our European DNA, Euronews has always offered a distinct perspective on news. As Euronews has always done, Euronews Romania will, with objectivity, balance, and accuracy, provide a strong European perspective on news.”
Mihnea Costoiu, Rector of UPB, said: “We are one of the largest and most prestigious universities in this part of the world, and our strategic goal is to meet the challenges that society is facing.
Our mission does not stop at transmitting knowledge, developing skills and abilities or carrying out research projects. We also have the responsibility to help citizens be more engaged in society, have a critical spirit, and to promote freedom of information, democratic and European values. Moreover, creating a community around the university, based on values such as inclusion, cooperation, communication and solidarity, is essential.
Thus, through this approach, our goal is to bring a strong, dynamic and objective voice on the Romanian media market.
What better place to host freedom of thought and expression than a university with two centuries of tradition?
We believe that, by providing quality journalism and unbiased information to an audience that needs them more than ever, Euronews Romania is not only a media achievement, but also an educational initiative.
Through Euronews Romania, we join a European family recognised for quality journalism. We thank our partners for their trust and welcome them to the UPB community!”
In a strategic move to become the world's first "global media", Euronews has in the past two years signed branded affiliate agreements with media and telecom groups wishing to build a trusted independent news channel in their country.
Euronews is a leading international news channel and one of the best known and most trusted news brands operating across Europe. Worldwide, Euronews is broadcast in 160 countries and distributed in almost 400 million homes - including 67% of homes in the European Union + UK. Every month, Euronews reaches almost 150 million people, both on TV and digital platforms, according to the Global Web Index (Q1, 2020).