Interview with Regisa, UPB international student, about the experience during the Covid-19 pandemic
Where were you when you heard about the Covid-19 pandemic?
I've heard about the Covid-19 pandemic on TV and on social media.
What has it been like?
Since I like medicine, I read enough about this virus. So I didn't worry too much.
What has been the most helpful source of support from the university?
The most useful source of support at the university have been my teachers. They had enough information to inform us and give us advice.
How has the pandemic changed you?
The pandemic has made me more careful in my daily life. Nothing more.
Why did you decide to return home?
I decided to return home the moment the pandemic began to spread to many parts of the world, as well as to Romania. So to be safer I went to my country because there were not many cases.
What is it like in Vietnam/Uzbekistan/Albania/Ecuador?
In Albania there are not many cases. In the city where I live there is no case. I am safe here.
What does the future hold for you?
I think we should all be careful in the future. I can't wait to get back to normal life and meet my friends often. Staying at home more, I think we're becoming antisocial. I want to go back to school and start a normal life and why I know that care will already be twice as high. I will continue in the medical university so I think we will get the right advice and information there.
27 August 2020