CESAER Symposium on Advancing European Universities

Advancing the EELISA Alliance objectives in Europe

The University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB) represented the EELISA Alliance in CESAER’s exclusive event dedicated to Advancing European Universities

On June 22nd, CESAER — the European association of leading science and technology universities — organised an exclusive symposium dedicated to Advancing European Universities. The event covered topics ranging from implementing the European Council conclusions on European Universities and sustainable funding options to possible new calls for proposals under Erasmus and Horizon Europe. The symposium aimed to discuss solutions to the most pressing challenges of the European Universities and to establish framework conditions needed for advancing the European Universities to the next levels of ambition, through advocacy.

In the course of the event, Mihnea Costoiu, the rector of the University Politehnica of Bucharest (and CESAER Vice-president) discussed the European Universities Initiative and championed the objectives of the EELISA Alliance. The panel moderated by the rector was dedicated to creating a level playing field, gain support and ensure sustainable funding for all European Universities. During the discussions, some of the central objectives of the EELISA European University were brought into discussion, like the new generation of European Engineers, collaboration platforms or technology transfer. As usually, Mihnea Costoiu upheld the vision of EELISA not only through promoting its vision, but also through exploring potential solutions in terms of advocacy or financial support.

European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance (EELISA) is the first alliance of Higher Education Institutions (graduate engineering schools, technology universities and full-spectrum universities) from different countries in Europe meant to define and implement a common model of European engineer rooted in society. EELISA’s acronym also pays a tribute to women engineers through the memory of Elisa Leonida Zamfirescu (1887 – 1973), one of the very first women to obtain an engineering degree in the world. She also embodied the core elements of EELISA Alliance: she had a multi-cultural and cross-border background, contributed to engineering with innovative methods for the analysis of minerals and had a determined social commitment.

Founded in 1990, CESAER aims to be the strong and united voice of universities of science and technology in Europe. The organisation unites over 50 leading research-intensive specialised and comprehensive universities of science and technology in Europe and beyond. CESAER is an acknowledged stakeholder organisation for the European Research Area and has an important impact in the policies regarding the European Higher Education Area.

22 June 2021