Service Engineering and Management


The Master program "Service Engineering and Management" (SEM) addresses the global need for service innovation as service activities increasingly drive value creation. Graduates are trained to conceive, design, implement, and operate (CDIO) complex value-added systems.

SEM emphasizes:

·         Understanding innovative technologies essential for service provision.

·         Grasping functional and experiential needs of service users.

·         Managing the service CDIO lifecycle and recognizing its value.

Competencies are developed through three hands-on modules:

·         ICT: Information and Communication Technologies.

·         PSO: Psychology and Sociology.

·         OMM: Operations, Management, and Marketing.


Other Information

         Double degree diploma with University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering 

         20 partnerships to industry/companies (IBM Romania, SC EAST ELECTRIC SRL, SC ASTI Automation SRL, SC Cloud Troopers SRL, S_IND Process Control SRL, SC SIS SA SRL, SC Retail Management Systems SRL, SC IPA SA, etc)

         accepting incoming Erasmus students