Robotics and Automation
The "Robotics and Automation" master's program prepares students for careers in automation and robotics, offering skills for roles such as solution developer, researcher, consultant, and Cyber-Physical Production Systems architect. Emphasizing hands-on learning, the program addresses the technical skills gap through practical stages with companies and a smart factory on campus, simulating real-life production environments. Students gain expertise in advanced automation, intelligent industrial robotics, and integration of robot-vision systems within digital production. With multidisciplinary training in automation, system engineering, computing, and mechanical and electrical engineering, graduates will work on next-generation robots in Industrial IoT and Cyber-Physical System environments.
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The specific objectives of the “Robotics and Automation master program concern:
● Preparing specialists to take on roles as architects, developers, and integrators of robotic and automated control systems, driving the digital transformation of production structures.
● Equipping graduates in Systems, Industrial, Computer, Electrical, and Electronic Engineering with the expertise to develop Cyber-Physical Production Systems for the Industry of the Future, integrated into the Cloud Universal Manufacturing space using advanced IC2T, Key Enabling Technologies, and applied Artificial Intelligence techniques.
Programming languages and technologies:
JAVA/JADE, C++, ILOG CPLEX OPL, MATLAB, V+, RAPID, Promia, Sick, Cognex In-Sight, UAV-WSN, Arduino IDE, Simatic Step 7, Ladder, Grafcet, OpenCV/OpenGL, Linux, CloudBurst, Big Data Apache Hadoop, SDN Industrial IoT, Lora WAN.
· Requirements
Basic knowledge (BSc-level) concerning control systems, sensors, computer architectures and programming, databases, algorithms, communication and networks.
● Skills acquired through this program
Students will gain knowledge and practical skills related to advanced control of industrial, mobile ground and aerial robots integrated in digital manufacturing and service systems with distributed intelligence (multi-agent and edge computing systems, product-driven automation, digital twins, cloud, Industrial IoT and Cyber-Physical Production Systems). Graduates of this master program will get provable expertise in the design, development, implementing and deployment of actual types of automation and robotic applications. They will also learn about the current and emerging challenges in the field, the state-of-the-art solutions including key aspects of efficient layout and integration, performance optimization, reality-awareness, fault tolerance, scalability, fault tolerance, and security of automatic control and robot systems.
The knowledge transferred in this master program is grouped in three areas, covering the latest advances in the ‘core’ Information, Communication and Control Technologies (IC2T) used in robotic and automatic control systems:
● Sensors, actuation and mobility: sensor fusion, haptics, data acquisition, machine vision systems, human-machine interfaces, mobile ground and aerial platforms, manipulator arms, motors and servos, grippers and tools, robot programming
● Thinking and cognition: cognitive robotics, smart image processing and shape recognition advanced, multitasking robot control - hardware-software, motion planning and tracking, cloud robot services, machine learning, navigation and mapping, human-robot interaction
● Integration and cooperation: distributing intelligence/multi-agent systems, intelligent product/product-driven automation, edge and fog computing/communication middleware, Industrial IoT, resource virtualization/cloud manufacturing and robot services, big data analytics and predictive industrial control, Cyber-Physical Production Systems, embedded systems, digital twins for robots and smart manufacturing systems
● Research subjects (selection):
Multitasking motion control of robot vision systems integrated with multiple external device axes. Hybrid position-effort control system for the constrained motion of an industrial robot. Multi-agent system for the coordinated control of swarm-type robot systems. Artificial vision system for human manipulative gesture emulation by highly dexterous robot tasks. Dual robot arm control in collaborative object handling tasks. Programming sequences of robot actions by showing. Virtualizing shop floor devices for health monitoring and maintenance. Design and implementation of digital twins for robot and smart manufacturing control. Semi-heterarchical control of manufacturing. Digital models for Cloud Universal Manufacturing. Machine learning-based predictive production control with energy-awareness. Robot vision systems for industrial applications and services. Interaction of children with humanoid robots. Multi-agent systems for swarm robot control. Trajectory planning for multi-agent systems in a multi-obstacle environment. Parallel processing of images. UAV navigation control systems.
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