Intelligent Transport Systems

Electronic engineering, telecommunications and information technology


The master program in Intelligent Transport Systems provides the advanced studies on ITS as well as on applications of IT, communications, and electronics in the field of transport systems. The main objective is to educate students to design intelligent transport systems and to apply all these systems in mobility, transforming this in a smart mobility as main component of the smart city.

The learning outcomes focus on designing intelligent transport systems, enhancing mobility through safety and efficiency, leveraging software tools, managing ITS projects and risks, and creating innovative solutions for urban, connected, and automated mobility.


Other Information

Career development perspectives:

          Intelligent Transport Systems specialist

          Smart Mobility specialist

          Specialist in ITS tools for urban mobility

          Specialist in digitalization of transport systems

          Research assistant in ITS and smart mobility

          Teaching assistant in ITS and smart mobility


Erasmus agreements with European universities – students and professors exchanges in the field of Intelligent Transport Systems.

Institutional agreements with main players from ITS & Smart Mobility industry.