Integrated Electrical Systems Engineering in Vehicles


The master program Integrated electrical systems engineering in vehicles is organized and coordinated by the Electrical Engineering Faculty with support and participation of the Faculty of Transportation and the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science.

The main purpose of the program is to specialize students at a high scientific and technological level, through the formation of competences according to the current requirements of employers in the field of automotive industry, especially the main industrial partner of the program, Renault Romania Group.


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The specific objectives of the program are:

·         Assimilation of the specific aspects in the field of electrical systems integrated in vehicles (techniques, technologies, methods, algorithms, concepts, modelling, simulation, optimization, etc.)

·         Knowledge and use of hardware tools (equipment for measurements and testing) and the software packages (for programming, modelling, simulation, design, component optimization, systems and project management) in the field of electrical systems integrated in vehicles

We have a strong partnership with Renault Technologie Roumanie, „VALAHIA” University of Târgovişte, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. Similar master programs are organized in the two universities. 

We encourage our master students to develop master thesis with industrial partners, especially Renault Technologie Roumanie and its related companies from automotive domain.

All courses of the program are open for Erasmus incoming students.