Electric Vehicle Propulsion and Control


Joining this program provides an opportunity for the students to be a part of an Erasmus-Mundus project – https://master-epico.ec-nantes.fr/ and get a multi-degree from the universities that are the partners of the project.

The students of the Electric Vehicle Propulsion and Control master program will be able to successfully solve the challenges of manufacturing, maintenance and research in the electric vehicle domain.


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They have the opportunity to learn about the electric vehicle system fundamentals, modelling and simulation, about electric machines and power electronic converters, having the possibility to master the details of the electric batteries and battery chargers running, battery management systems and energy storage requirements. They’ll get knowledge about control systems – continuous and digital, linear and nonlinear.

The students will have lectures in Statistical Signal Processing and Estimation Theory, Renewable Energy and Storage Systems, Machine Learning for Autonomous Systems, Microprocessor Applications for Real Time Systems.

The master students can get a double or multi-degree.

All courses of the program are open for Erasmus and international incoming students.