Automotive Engineering for Sustainable Mobility
Mobility is one of the fundamental aspects of social cohesion as it gives everyone access to employment, training, public services and leisure. Equally, mobility is the motor for economic development.
Therefore, an obvious question arises: how to ensure mobility for all of us to enable us to access jobs, education, healthcare and leisure and at the same time to protect our environment and quality of life?
Clearly, now, more than ever, the requirement is to satisfy the demand for travel by using cleaner methods of transport, which generate less pollution.
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- give access to the knowledge on the latest and most promising new technologies related to sustainable mobility
- provide a valuable background for future PhD studies
- enable to enroll in the PhD preparation directly in the 2nd year, thus skipping the 1st year
- prepare the students for Research and Development career in the Automotive Engineering field
Students from any part of the world holding a bachelor’s degree could apply to this program.
The candidates must present evidence of the required Degree as part of the application procedure.
As the courses will be taught in English, the candidates have to prove knowledge of English language to the interview, which will be organized in order to make the final selection).
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