Artificial Intelligence


The M.Sc. programme in Artificial Intelligence offers to the enrolled students in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge on artificial intelligence and intelligent applications, distributed problem solving, machine learning and deep neural networks, computer vision, games and strategies, intelligent agents and their applications, social networks, search and filtering of information on the Web, data mining, innovative ways to represent and use data, natural language processing. It focuses on the design and implementation of state-of-the-art artificial intelligence systems, offering both computer science and engineering skills.

Pre-requisites: Knowledge of programming languages, algorithms, operating systems, data bases, computer systems architectures.


Other Information

The programme offers to students, in each of the first three semesters, three compulsory courses and one elective, which can be selected from other master programmes taught in English offered by the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers or by other programmes of the university, subject to the approval of the programme coordinator.

Career perspectives

With a Master's degree in artificial intelligence the graduates will be welcomed by companies working in intelligent systems, machine learning, data mining and big data, language technology, social media analytics, and many other leading edge topics of information technology.

10 partnerships with Romanian and multi-national ITC companies

9 Erasmus agreements with EU universities

23 incoming Erasmus students during the period 2013-2019