Applied Informatics in Industrial Engineering

Industrial engineering


The aim of the degree program Applied informatics in industrial engineering is to train engineers with computer science knowledge in the field of industrial engineering. These engineers are capable of working in areas such as computer-aided design, software design and development, industrial automation, and process engineering, with interdisciplinary expertise in both electrical engineering and computer science automation.

Graduates of this program understand the concepts, principles, and theories of computer science and engineering, and they are able to design software for industrial systems and use computer technologies efficiently.


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The preparatory year coordinated by the DAAD Lectureship enables prospective students to learn grammar, technical terminology, and professional communication in German up to an intermediate language level.

·         All subjects of the study program are open to Erasmus incoming students for one or two semesters.

·         There is close collaboration with the industry.

The bachelor's thesis can be carried out in cooperation with companies or foreign universities.