Air Transport Engineering


Air Transport Engineering (ATE) is a master of Aerospace Engineering program taught in English, addressed to bachelor of Aerospace Engineering graduates but not only, interested in the dynamic field of Air Transport. Duration of studies is 2 Years (4 Semesters), with 240 ECTS. The students are engaged in scientific research with an individual supervisor. At the end of each semester, a research report is presented to a scientific board. The program ends with a dissertation thesis and exam.


Other Information

Air Transport Engineering was established in 2013, with the objective to address the needs of current civil aviation and aligned to the International Civil Aviation Organization – Next Generation of Aviation Professionals (ICAO NGAP) strategy. The curricula were decided by AirNav Board, a think tank consisting of high-profile graduates of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering.

The ATE program is multidisciplinary and its approach to complexity is holistic and systemic (understanding the aircraft as a system of systems and as a part of the air transport system).

This program yearly receives incoming Erasmus + and other foreign students for one semester or one entire year

We have a very strong partnership with European and Romanian institutions and companies working in Air Transport Engineering and other related fields

We encourage and offer possibilities to our master students to develop master thesis in cooperation with industrial partners